Who does what during a Belenios election ?


Belenios proposes a verifiable e-voting system. Each voter can check that her ballot is indeed in the ballot box, and any third-party can verify that the claimed result corresponds to the ballots present in the ballot box, and that these ballots come from legitimate voters. The vote secrecy is ensured via the splitting of the decryption key between several authorities (for instance, some members of the committee in charge of the election) with a threshold mechanism (for instance, 3 among 5 are enough to decrypt).

But the nice security properties hold only if everyone performs all the verifications that they are supposed to do. This document lists in detail, for each role in the election (voter, administrator, etc.) what must be done at each step.

A key notion in the following instructions is the url where a participant will connect. We will use the notion of PREFIX and of UUID, where PREFIX gives the url of the Belenios server handling the election, and UUID identifies the election we are talking about among the possibly many elections which are run on this server. Typically, if the main page of the election is of the form


then PREFIX=https://vote.belenios.org and UUID=8GVH85AoSyweXG.

Instructions for the voter

Before the election starts, the voter receives an email that contains their private credential and the url of the election. The election page displays the opening time when it is not yet open.

During the election, a voter can visit the election page and vote as follows:

  • they enter their private credential. This step is done automatically if the url of the election received by the voter has been personalized with the credential of the voter (e.g. when the credentials are sent by the server).
  • they can then see the questions and select their candidates
  • their computer encrypts their choices (with a Javascript program) and prints a smart ballot tracker which is a fingerprint of the ballot. This smart ballot tracker is also sent by email to the voter when they have completed the voting procedure.
  • once the voter has reviewed their choices, they have to authenticate themself. To do so, they then receive a one-time password by email, that should be entered into the voting interface. Other authentication means may be used (for example, a password may be sent before the start of the election).
  • note: a voter may vote again. Only the last vote will count.

The Belenios system is verifiable.

  • a voter may check that their ballot is indeed taken into account, by looking for their smart ballot tracker on the ballot box, visiting the link See accepted ballots on the main page of the election. They must complain if this is not the case. For even more security, the voter can perform this check with another device, possibly from a different location. If a voter votes several times, only the last smart ballot tracker appears on the ballot box.

  • The voter must also vehemently protest if they receive a confirmation email that contains a smart ballot tracker that is different from the one that was printed on the screen during the voting phase. Somebody probably managed to add a ballot in their name. This can for instance be a hint of an attack by a system administrator who has access to the mailbox of the voter, in the case where both the credential and the one-time password are sent to the same address.

A voter can also verify the whole voting process. Instead of checking only the presence of their ballot in the ballot box, they can verify the validity of all the ballots, they can monitor the ballot box to check that no ballot disappears (except in case of revote), and finally check that the claimed result corresponds to the ballots in the ballot box. For all of this, the voter can follow the auditor instructions below.

Instructions for the trustees

During the setup of the election, each trustee is invited to generate a decryption key by following a link sent by the election administrator. The trustee must follow the link, and make sure the URL of the resulting page has one of the following forms (where PREFIX and UUID are as defined above, and TOKEN is a random-looking character string):

  • PREFIX/draft/trustee.html#UUID-TOKEN, or
  • PREFIX/draft/threshold-trustee.html#UUID-TOKEN (in threshold mode)

Moreover, it is expected that the trustee saves:

  • their decryption key (or PKI key, in threshold mode) (file private_key.json or private_key.txt). This key must be saved in a secure place (encrypted container, USB stick stored in a closed place, etc) because it protects the secret of the votes (in combination with the decryption keys of the other trustees);
  • the url of the election;
  • (in threshold mode) the fingerprint of their PKI public key, simply called public key below;
  • the fingerprint of their verification key associated to their decryption key verification key.

To ensure that the decryption authorities have generated their key correctly, the election administrator may, before the start of the election, ask each authority to verify that they have their decryption key. In this case, the decryption authority receives a URL of the form:


and is prompted to enter their decryption key. The authority must check that the UUID of the election displayed is correct and that their name appears correctly after clicking on Verify private key. The decryption authority must never enter their decryption key outside of this verification step (with the URL indicated above) and the decryption step (see below).

As soon as the election is ready, it is expected that the trustee checks:

  • that their verification key is present on the election page, next to their name;
  • (in threshold mode) that their PKI public key is present on the election page, next to their name.

After the closing of the election, the trustee participates to the computation of the tally. In the case of an election with alternative voting (ordering of the candidates, giving them a grade), the tally starts by a shuffle phase. For this, it is expected from the trustee that they:

  • check that the URL of the page has the following form: PREFIX/election/shuffle.html#UUID-TOKEN;
  • save the fingerprint of the ballot box after their shuffle: fingerprint of your shuffle;
  • check immediately thereafter that this fingerprint is present on the page of the election (to ensure that their shuffle has not be ignored).

In all cases, the tally then proceeds with a phase where the trustee uses their private key to decrypt the result. It is expected that the trustee:

  • check that the URL of the page has the following form: PREFIX/election/trustees.html#UUID-TOKEN;
  • check (only for alternative voting) the fingerprint of their shuffle fingerprint of your shuffle as saved in the previous step is present on the page of the election, next to their name. If this is not the case, the private key must not be used;
  • save the fingerprint of the ballot box to be decrypted: fingerprint of the encrypted tally.

Once the tally is finished, the results are published on the page of the election. It is expected that the trustee:

  • destroys their decryption key;

  • checks that the following data are present on this page, each time associated to their name:

  • (in threshold mode) their PKI public key;

  • their verification key;

  • (for alternative voting) the fingerprint of their shuffle;

  • the fingerprint of the ballot box to be decrypted fingerprint of the encrypted tally (in order to check that her private key has not be used to decrypt something else).

Instructions for the credential authority

The main role of the credential authority is to generate and transmit a private credential to each voter.

Setup. During the setup of the election, the credential authority first obtains a private link. They must follow the link, and make sure the URL of the resulting page has the following form: PREFIX/draft/credentials.html#UUID-TOKEN.

On this page, there is the voter list. The credential authority must verify with the committee in charge of the election that this list is correct, as well as the weight of each voter in case of a weighted vote;

Then the authority has two options to generate the credentials:

  • either click on Generate on their browser;
  • or:
    • copy the voter list to a file, e.g. voter.txt;

    • let $UUID be the identifier of the election (the last component in the given election URL, see at the top of this document);

    • run the command:

      belenios-tool setup generate-credentials --file voters.txt --group Ed25519 --uuid $UUID

      It will generate two files, $TIMESTAMP.privcreds and $TIMESTAMP.pubcreds, and output the fingerprint of public credentials;

    • upload the .pubcreds file with the Submit by file form;

    • keep the .privcreds file and save it as creds.json.

The second option should be preferred for more security, in particular if there is no auditor in charge of monitoring the server.

During this step, it is expected that the credential authority saves:

  • the list of the private credentials: the creds.txt file. This file must be saved in a secure place (encrypted container, USB stick stored in a closed place, etc) because it is a protection against ballot stuffing. It will also allow the credential authority to send again the credential to a voter who has lost it;
  • the url of the election;
  • the voter list voters.txt;
  • the fingerprint of the voter list: fingerprint of voters;
  • the fingerprint of the public credentials.

The credential authority is in charge of sending the credentials to the voters. They must include the url of the election in the message that they send (by email, by postal mail). For sending the credentials by email, it is possible to use the contrib/send_credentials.py script included in the Belenios sources (see the auditor section below for how to get the sources). After editing this program according to the appropriate settings, they can run it:


The program produces in particular a sample email that can be adapted to the election by the credential authority. However, the display of the technical elements (e.g. url of the election and credential of the voter in two separate fields) must not be modified without conducting a security analysis.

Voting phase. As soon as the election is open, and at the end of the election, it is expected that the credential authority:

  • verifies that the number of voters corresponds to the voter list used during the setup, as well as the total weight of the election in case of a weighted vote, and that the fingerprint of the voter list corresponds to the fingerprint saved before, for instance using one of the commands suggested here;

  • verifies that the fingerprint of the list of the public credentials corresponds to the one displayed close to their name;

  • during the election, the credential authority can, when a voter asks, send them again their private credential if they lost it.

After the tally. At the end of the election, in order to validate the records, it is expected that the credential authority :

  • verifies that the voting records given by the administrator corresponds to the ballots in the ballot box. This verification can be done with the command:

      belenios-tool election compute-voters --privcreds /path/to/creds.json --url https://url/to/election

    (where https://url/to/election is of the form PREFIX/elections/UUID, as explained at the top of this document).

    The list output by this command must coincide with the one given by the administrator (maybe in a different order).

Once the election is finished and validated, it is expected that the credential authority:

  • destroys the file creds.json. Indeed, this file gives the link between a voter and their (encrypted) ballot. This link could compromise the vote secrecy in the long term, for instance if the encryption keys become too small for the computing power in the future (or if a quantum computer becomes available…).

Instructions for the committee in charge of the election

At the very least, the election committee visits the page of the election once it is open and checks that:

  • the number of voters corresponds to the voter list;

  • the value voter list fingerprint published corresponds to the one that is given (by the system or by the administrator of the election). This fingerprint can be computed using one of the commands suggested here;

  • the voter list voters.txt corresponds to the legitimate voters, with the right weight in case of a weighted vote;

  • the list of questions and possible answers correspond to what is expected. These questions and answers are also in the $UUID.bel file that can be obtained by clicking on public data in the footer of the election page.

Ideally, the election committee also performs the tasks of an auditor or commissions someone for doing it (a sysadmin of the organization, for instance).

Instructions for the auditor

Anyone who knows the url of the election can be an auditor. The url of an election is of the form PREFIX/elections/UUID/, where, for instance, PREFIX=https://vote.belenios.org and UUID=8GVH85AoSyweXG.

An auditor will ensure in particular that:

  • the election data (public keys, public credentials, etc) are consistent and do not change over time;

  • the ballot box, that contains the encrypted votes, evolves consistently: no ballot is removed unless it is replaced by a ballot with the same credential (this corresponds to a revote);

  • the ballot box only contains well-formed ballots (with valid zero-knowledge proofs, and valid credentials);

  • the integrity of active files (HTML, Javascript, etc.) used by the voters, the trustees and the credential authority is preserved;

  • the result of the election corresponds to the encrypted ballots, thanks to the zero-knowledge proofs of correct decryption produced by the decryption trustees.

The security of Belenios relies on the fact that the verifications described below are performed by at least one honest person.

Note: these verifications are also run automatically by our servers for the elections that are setup with a maximum security level (external credential authority and at least two external trustees).

Setup. In order to do these tests, the auditor must use some software. We describe here how to run the verifications using belenios-tool, the sources of which are available from Gitlab Inria and that can be installed under Linux Debian/Ubuntu using sudo apt install belenios-tool. Then the auditor must create a directory workdir where the election audit information will be stored as they are downloaded, in the form of a git repository.

In order to check that the HTML/Javascript codes used by voters, decryption trustees, and credential authorities are not modified by a corrupted server, the auditor needs to find out the “right” code for each of these programs. They will then make sure the server delivers these files uncorrupted. First, a template must be prepared: we just copy it from the Belenios sources:

cp path/to/sources/belenios/contrib/reference_template.json workdir/hashref

Then, there are several solutions to ensure that the files served by the server are valid, while monitoring the election identified by UUID:

  • either the auditor simply trusts the files downloaded the first time and checks that they do not vary over time (TOFU principle). Then the monitoring command is as follows:

      ./monitor_elections.py --url PREFIX --wdir workdir --checkhash yes --hashref workdir/hashref --outputref workdir/hashref --uuid UUID

    Each time the files change (including at the first run), this will print a warning message.

  • or the auditor fetches the sources, recompile the code, start a local server, uses the previous command to fill-in the workdir/hashref file with trusted values, and copy it to use it as a reference for monitoring the real election that is run on an external server. The command is then the same as above.

  • or the auditor trusts a well-identified person who published a gpg-signed version of the reference file. In that case additional arguments must be passed to the monitoring tool: the url of this signed version and a gpg keyring containing the public key of the person, as a trusted one. In the case of our voting platform, such a file is provided by the main developer of Belenios, Stéphane Glondu. We give the corresponding command-line, to be adapted for another server or another trusted person:

      ./monitor_elections.py --url https://vote.belenios.org/ --wdir workdir --checkhash yes --hashref workdir/hashref --outputref workdir/hashref --sighashref https://vote.belenios.org/monitoring-reference/reference.json.gpg --keyring workdir/trustdb.gpg --uuid UUID

In all cases, the auditor will regularly execute a monitoring command that we call monitor_elections. It is possible to redirect the messages with the --logfile option. Then only abnormal behaviours are reported on stdout/stderr, which makes it possible to run the command from a crontab and to be warned in case of problem.

Voting phase. During the election, it is expected that the auditor:

  • in case the auditor has access to the voter list voters.txt (requested to the committee in charge of the election), verifies that the number of voters displayed on the main page of the election corresponds to the voter list, as well as the total weight of the election in case of a weighted vote, and that the fingerprint of the voter list corresponds to the fingerprint saved before, for instance using one of the commands suggested here;

  • if the auditor has not access to the voter list, verifies that the number of voters and total weight of the election displayed on the main page of the election correspond to the official data;

  • frequently runs monitor_elections. Ideally, this should be done at non guessable points of time, from various IP adresses that reflect the diversity of voters and trustees. The goal is that a corrupted server cannot guess when the request comes from an auditor or a genuine voter / trustee. Here are a few guidelines for a motivated auditor in order to look like a genuine user:

    • as already said, the requests to the server should be done frequently but not at a regular, predictable rate;
    • not only various IP adresses should be used but also with various device configuration information (browser type and version, operating system, active plugins, time zone, language, screen resolution, etc) from a large pool of typical device configurations used in reality by humans;
    • IP adresses should reflect the various locations and service providers of the population of voters;
    • the order in which the files are requested to the server should follow the order of typical visits of voters and trustees, with plausible (non predictible) delays between each request of files.

    Note that the script provided in belenios-tool does not offer support for this.

After the tally. After the election, it is expected that the auditor:

  • runs again monitor_elections. The election page now contains a result.json file and this command will check the cryptographic proofs associated to the result of the election;
  • verifies that the result mentioned in the result.json file corresponds to the result published on the page of the election. This verification must be done manually.

Note: If the belenios-tool command-line tool is used, the trust in the audit verifications partly relies on the trust in this tool. It is possible to write independent verification software following Belenios specification available here.

Instructions for the administrator of the election

It might look strange but the administrator of the election has not so many verifications to perform. This comes from the fact that the Belenios voting system is designed so that we don’t have to trust the administrator. Security relies on the combined verifications of the different participants: trustees, credential authority, election committee, and auditors.

The important points for the administrator are the following:

  • to obtain the voter list, as a list of valid email addresses, one address by voter. In case of a weighted vote, voters may be assigned a different weight. This list must be validated by the electoral committee;
  • to check and check again these email addresses before starting the election (and even before the sending of the credentials in automatic mode). Once the setup of the election is finished, it is not possible to modify them and there is no alert in case a message could not be sent;
  • to verify that all the participants use the same url for the election;
  • if the administrator did not commission someone as a credential authority, they must download the list of private credentials (Download private credentials) in order to be able to send again the credential to a voter who has lost it. For better security, though, it is preferred to commission a third party to play the role of credential authority.
  • if external election authorities are used (highly recommended for vote privacy), make sure that they have correctly stored their private key, otherwise it will not be possible to tally the election. For this, click on Check private key ownership, send the obtained link to the authorities, and make sure the test was sucessful, with the display of the name of the authority.

For getting the best security level, the administrator must have:

  • a person (the credential authority) in charge of generating the credentials and sending them to the voters (the server can do this itself, but this opens the possibility of a ballot stuffing attack);
  • several trustees in charge of protecting vote secrecy: in order to decrypt the individual ballots it is then required to attack all of them (or at least a proportion of them, in threshold mode).

How to compute the fingerprint of a file?

To compute the fingerprint of a file, you need to use the same hash algorithm as the one used in Belenios. We provide here possible solutions with command lines. We use the file voters.txt as example but of course you may replace it by any other file.

sha256sum voters.txt | xxd -p -r | base64 | tr -d "="

(or shasum -a256 instead of sha256sum for example on MacOS)

cat voters.txt | python3 -c "import hashlib,base64,sys;m=hashlib.sha256();m.update(sys.stdin.read().encode());print(base64.b64encode(m.digest()).decode().strip('='))"

You may also use the online tool supported by Belenios.